Wednesday, 25 January 2012

First Local School Visit!

Be on the lookout at your school! International and MYClub student officers will be heading to our first local school to advertise the Walk next Monday, January 30th in the morning. Don't worry if you don't see us then - there'll be more to come! Curious as to where we're heading? Tweet @iskl_walkathon (the green profile pic) and find out! 

A Little Background...

For the past two years, the student-run International Club at the International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) has organized the Walk for Children to raise charity for disadvantaged orphans. The past two years have seen the Walk being hosted at locations such as Dataran Merdeka with patrons such as Datin Rosmah and ambassadors like Lisa Surihani...that's right! This year, our patron is Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin and for the first time, the walk is being held in conjunction with the student run MYClub (Malaysian Cultural Club). And since we're speaking of firsts, this is the first time it is being held at Padang Merbok, where the Terry Fox Run took place a couple of months back in 2011. Furthermore, we're planning to raise RM100,000, excluding costs, for the two orphanages, Shelter: Home for Children and Rumah Jalinan Kasih in the hopes that they'll continue to be nurtured into young adults in the very environment we enjoy! So, there's your little background for a starter, for now...Stay tuned!